Results for 'Milo C. Beach'

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  1.  23
    Portraits in Sechs Furstenstaaten Rajasthans vom 17. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert.Milo C. Beach & Juliane Anna Lia Molitor - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):522.
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    The City Palace Museum, Udaipur: Paintings of Mewar Court Life.Milo C. Beach & Andrew Topsfield - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):522.
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  3. Jesus: The Man, the Mission, and the Message.C. Milo Connick - 1963
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    The Neural Representation of a Repeated Standard Stimulus in Dyslexia.Sara D. Beach, Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Sidney C. May, Tracy M. Centanni, Tyler K. Perrachione, Dimitrios Pantazis & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The neural representation of a repeated stimulus is the standard against which a deviant stimulus is measured in the brain, giving rise to the well-known mismatch response. It has been suggested that individuals with dyslexia have poor implicit memory for recently repeated stimuli, such as the train of standards in an oddball paradigm. Here, we examined how the neural representation of a standard emerges over repetitions, asking whether there is less sensitivity to repetition and/or less accrual of “standardness” over successive (...)
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    Indian Painting under the Mughals A. D. 1550 to A. D. 1750The Ṫūṫī-Nāma of the Cleveland Museum of Art and the Origins of Mughal PaintingThe Grand Mogul, Imperial Painting in India 1600-1660The Tuti-Nama of the Cleveland Museum of Art and the Origins of Mughal Painting. [REVIEW]Michael W. Meister, Percy Brown, Pramod Chandra & Milo Cleveland Beach - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):475.
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    Cohen-stable families of subsets of integers.Milos Kurilic - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (1):257-270.
    A maximal almost disjoint (mad) family $\mathscr{A} \subseteq [\omega]^\omega$ is Cohen-stable if and only if it remains maximal in any Cohen generic extension. Otherwise it is Cohen-unstable. It is shown that a mad family, A, is Cohen-unstable if and only if there is a bijection G from ω to the rationals such that the sets G[A], A ∈A are nowhere dense. An ℵ 0 -mad family, A, is a mad family with the property that given any countable family $\mathscr{B} \subset (...)
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    Miłość i cnota polityczna: rodzina i kobieta w filozofii Hegla.Katarzyna Guczalska - 2002 - Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.
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    Filozofia miłośći, nadziei i przemijania.Stefan Kaczmarek - 1986 - Poznań: Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego.
  9.  21
    Isomorphic and strongly connected components.Miloš S. Kurilić - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (1-2):35-48.
    We study the partial orderings of the form ⟨P,⊂⟩\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\langle \mathbb{P}, \subset\rangle}$$\end{document}, where X\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb{X}}$$\end{document} is a binary relational structure with the connectivity components isomorphic to a strongly connected structure Y\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb{Y}}$$\end{document} and P\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb{P} }$$\end{document} is the set of substructures of X\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} (...)
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  10.  28
    A posteriori convergence in complete Boolean algebras with the sequential topology.Miloš S. Kurilić & Aleksandar Pavlović - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 148 (1-3):49-62.
    A sequence x=xn:nω of elements of a complete Boolean algebra converges to a priori if lim infx=lim supx=b. The sequential topology τs on is the maximal topology on such that x→b implies x→τsb, where →τs denotes the convergence in the space — the a posteriori convergence. These two forms of convergence, as well as the properties of the sequential topology related to forcing, are investigated. So, the a posteriori convergence is described in terms of killing of tall ideals on ω, (...)
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    Power-collapsing games.Miloš S. Kurilić & Boris Šobot - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1433-1457.
    The game Gls(κ) is played on a complete Boolean algebra B, by two players. White and Black, in κ-many moves (where κ is an infinite cardinal). At the beginning White chooses a non-zero element p ∈ B. In the α-th move White chooses pα ∈ (0.p)p and Black responds choosing iα ∈ {0.1}. White wins the play iff $\bigwedge _{\beta \in \kappa}\bigvee _{\alpha \geq \beta }p_{\alpha}^{i\alpha}=0$ , where $p_{\alpha}^{0}=p_{\alpha}$ and $p_{\alpha}^{1}=p\ p_{\alpha}$ . The corresponding game theoretic properties of c.B.a.'s are (...)
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  12. Martin Čulen, pedagóg a národný buditel̕.Miloš Štilla - 1983 - Bratislava: Slovenské pedagogické nakl..
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    Property {(hbar)} and cellularity of complete Boolean algebras.Miloš S. Kurilić & Stevo Todorčević - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):705-718.
    A complete Boolean algebra ${\mathbb{B}}$ satisfies property ${(\hbar)}$ iff each sequence x in ${\mathbb{B}}$ has a subsequence y such that the equality lim sup z n = lim sup y n holds for each subsequence z of y. This property, providing an explicit definition of the a posteriori convergence in complete Boolean algebras with the sequential topology and a characterization of sequential compactness of such spaces, is closely related to the cellularity of Boolean algebras. Here we determine the position of (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Ironia i miłość: neopragmatyzm Richarda Rorty'ego w kontekście sporu o postmodernizm.Andrzej Szahaj - 2002 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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  15. The transition to civilization and symbolically stored genomes.Jon Beach - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (1):109-141.
    The study of culture and cultural selection from a biological perspective has been hampered by the lack of any firm theoretical basis for how the information for cultural traits is stored and transmitted. In addition, the study of any living system with a decentralized or multi-level information structure has been somewhat restricted due to the focus in genetics on the gene and the particular hereditary structure of multicellular organisms. Here a different perspective is used, one which regards living systems as (...)
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    (1 other version)Globalization & Vocational Education: Liberation, Liability, or Both? Reclaiming Class: Women, Poverty, and the Promise of Higher Education in America. Vivyan C. Adair and Sandra L. Dahlberg, eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003. 269 pp. 69.50(Hardcover), 22.95 (Paperback). Globalizing Education for Work: Comparative Perspectives on Gender and the New Economy. Richard D. Lakes and Patricia A. Carter, eds. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. 221 pp. 49.95(Hardcover ...). [REVIEW]J. M. Beach - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (3):270-281.
  17. On the Cognitive Overlap between Art and Science.Michal Sedik & Milos Taliga - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7):631-642.
    Cognitive overlap between art and science can be found in the processes of learning through experience. What necessarily needs to be present in these processes are not good reasons in favor of what is known or learnt, but the following features: The first feature art and science have in common is the negativity of learning processes: What a cognizer C learns through experience is that her theories, expectations, attitudes, trials, etc. are wrong and should be abandoned in order to advance. (...)
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    A Slip by Cicero?J. C. Davies - 1969 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):345-346.
    Atque illo die certe Aricia rediens devertit Clodius ad se in Albanum: quod ut sciret Milo ilium Ariciae fuisse, suspicari tamen debuit eum, etiam si Romam illo die reverti vellet, ad villam suam, quae viam tangeret, deversurum.THIS passage is interesting in that its argument runs counter to the main picture which Cicero had earlier presented of the movements of Milo and Clodius before they met on the Appian Way in January 52 B.C. In an earlier passage Cicero says: (...)
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    Scamander and the rivers of Hades in Homer.C. J. Mackie - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):485-501.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Scamander and the Rivers of Hades in HomerC. J. MackieAt odyssey 10.488–95, in response to Odysseus' request that he and his men leave her island, Circe states that they must venture to Hades to consult with the Theban seer Teiresias. She gives Odysseus some basic instructions on how to get there and what to do there (10.504–40): he should cross Ocean and beach his ship where there is (...)
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    Responses to Speaks, Stojnić and Szabó.Jeffrey C. King - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):3203-3218.
    Consider the class of contextually sensitive expressions whose context invariant meanings arguably do not suffice to secure semantic values in context. Demonstratives and demonstrative pronouns are the examples of such expressions that have received the most attention from philosophers. However, arguably this class of contextually sensitive expressions includes among other expressions modals, conditionals, tense, gradable adjectives, possessives, ‘only’, quantifiers, and expressions that take implicit arguments (e.g. ‘ready’ in sentences like ‘Molly is ready.’). Most theorists, including me, think that since the (...)
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  21.  9
    Animal stories: lives at a farm sanctuary.William C. Crain - 2024 - Woodstock, NY: Lantern Publishing & Media.
    In 2006, Bill Crain was a psychology professor and his wife, Ellen, a pediatrician. They purchased a run-down farm in upstate New York, and two years later opened Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary. It is now home to over 170 animals rescued from slaughter. In Animal Stories, Bill writes about how he and Ellen decided to start the sanctuary and tells the stories of 25 animals and their many surprising behaviors. Read about Katie, a hen who cared for a little partridge; (...)
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  22.  6
    Wolność miłości: ontologia osoby ludzkiej w koncepcjach Edyty Stein i Karola Wojtyły.Marek Olejniczak - 2010 - Tarnów: Wydawn. Diecezji Tarnowskiej "Biblos".
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  23. Right to Roam or Licence to Trespass?J. C. Lester - 2011 - In Jan Lester (ed.), Arguments for Liberty: A Libertarian Miscellany. Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press. pp. 77-82.
    Under no circumstances should the absurd "right to roam‟ be incorporated into the legislation of this country. In reality, it is clearly a mere licence to trespass. Armed with the appropriate economic and philosophical arguments, we should eventually be able to offer an effective counter-attack with a movement for the "right to own‟ privately every last one of the state-controlled commons, heaths, hills, mountains, downs, woodlands, rivers, beaches, and footpaths. As a result, there will be no imposition on legitimate landowners (...)
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    Smisao i vrednost života po Hajnrihu Rihteru: teza primljena za doktorski ispit na sednici Fakultetskog saveta Univerziteta Kraljevine Jugoslavije u Beogradu 18 marta 1938 prema referatu članova ispitnog odbora g.d-ra Dragiše M. Đurića i g. d-ra Nikole M. Popovića, redovnih profesora Univerziteta, i g. d-ra Miloša N. Đurića, docenta Univerziteta.Milan M. Jovanović - 1938 - Beograd: [No Publisher Identified].
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    Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice: Edited by George C Denniston, Frederick Mansfield Hodges and Marilyn Fayre Milos, New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999, 547 pages, US$155.00. [REVIEW]D. S. K. Hellsten - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):208-a-209.
    The book is an exploration of the medical, legal, moral and cultural aspects of the practice of circumcision. The title suggests that the book will cover both topics, male and female circumcision. This, however, is misleading. The main focus of this collection is on male circumcision. This is problematic because the fact that female circumcision is left with much less attention means the reader may get the false impression that the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is not very widely (...)
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    Lynn E. Rose. Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt. xxxvi + 339 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Deerfield Beach, Fla.: KRONOS Press, 1999. $38. [REVIEW]Georges Declercq - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):297-298.
    This book is an attempt to undermine the pillars on which Egyptian chronology has been built, in particular the view “that the Egyptians had monitored the heliacal risings of Sirius [Sothis] for millennia, and in such a way that we can date the various pharaohs and dynasties of even three or four thousand years ago by means of the ‘Sothic dates’ that they sometimes seem to provide” . For the most part, the book is a reevaluation of key calendar‐associated sources (...)
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    The Argument from Desire.William Lauinger - 2021 - In Colin Ruloff & Peter Horban (eds.), Contemporary Arguments in Natural Theology: God and Rational Belief. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Most of us live primarily in the everyday mode, where we have ordinary thoughts and feelings that accompany our engagement in ordinary activities such as working, eating, paying bills, driving, sleeping, exercising, and shopping. Even when we are with friends and family members, most of our thoughts, feelings, and actions are of the everyday variety. However, there are certain moments, rare and ephemeral though they may be, where the everyday mode of life is unexpectedly pierced and where some kind of (...)
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  28. The evolution of ethics.E. Hershey Sneath - 1927 - London,: Oxford University PRess.
    The ethics of the Egyptian religion, by S. A. B. Mercer.--The ethics of Confucianism, by H. P. Beach.--The ethics of the Babylonian and Assyrian religion, by G. A. Barton.--The history of Hindu ethics, by E. W. Hopkins.--The ethics of Zoroastrianism, by A. V. W. Jackson.--Early Hebrew ethics, by L. B. Paton.--The ethics of the Hebrew prophets - from Amos to the Deuteronomic reformation, by L. B. Paton.--The ethics of the Greek religion, by P. Shorey.--The ethics of the Gospels, by (...)
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    Philosophical problems in Logic.Karel Lambert (ed.) - 1970 - Dordrecht,: Reidel.
    The essays in this volume are based on addresses presented during a colloquium on free logic, modal logic and related areas held at the University of California at Irvine, in May of 1968. With the single exception of Dagfinn F011esdal, whose revised address is included in a recent issue of Synthese honoring W. V. Quine, all of the speakers at the Irvine colloquium are contributors to this volume. Thanks are due to Professor A. I. Melden, Chairman of the Department of (...)
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    Cicero, Ad Atticum 4. 3.W. S. Watt - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):9-.
    Before daybreak on 23 November 57 B.C., about 11 weeks after his return from exile, Cicero wrote to Atticus and recorded for him, in diary form, events at Rome between 3 November and the date of writing. Clodius and his gangs were still causing trouble on the streets, interfering with the rebuilding of Cicero's house on the Palatine, and even molesting Cicero himself. Clodius was a candidate for the curule aedileship; if he were elected, he would succeed in evading the (...)
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    Philosophical problems in logic: some recent developments.Karel Lambert (ed.) - 1980 - Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston.
    The essays in this volume are based on addresses presented during a colloquium on free logic, modal logic and related areas held at the University of California at Irvine, in May of 1968. With the single exception of Dagfinn F011esdal, whose revised address is included in a recent issue of Synthese honoring W. V. Quine, all of the speakers at the Irvine colloquium are contributors to this volume. Thanks are due to Professor A. I. Melden, Chairman of the Department of (...)
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    Colleges and commitments.Lloyd J. Averill (ed.) - 1971 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
    The nature and legitimacy of commitments. Objectivity vs. commitment, by H. Smith. Institutional commitment: a social scientist's view, by H. R. Davis. The sectarian nature of liberal education, by L. J. Averill. The identity of the Christian college, by W. W. Jellema.--Commitments and the dimensions of learning. Discursive truth and evangelical truth, by A. C. Outler. Natural order and transcendent order, by W. G. Pollard. Limited cognition and ultimate cognition, by R. W. Friedrichs. Academic teaching and human experience, by M. (...)
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  33. Whistleblowers and the narrative of ethics.C. Fred Alford - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (3):402–418.
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  34. Whistle-Blower Narratives: The Experience of Choiceless Choice.C. Fred Alford - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (1):223-248.
    Most whistleblowers talk as if they never had a choice about whether to blow the whistle. This doesn't mean they acted suddenly, or impulsively, only that they believe they could not have done otherwise. Trying to make sense of this near universal answer to the question "Why did you do it?" the essay draws on narrative theory. Narrative theory distinguishes between actant and sender—that is, between actor and his or her values. This distinction helps to explain what it means to (...)
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  35. Some elementary reflexions on sense-perception.C. D. Broad - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (January):3-17.
    Sense-perception is a hackneyed topic, and I must therefore begin by craving your indulgence. I was moved to make it the subject of this evening's lecture by the fact that I have lately been reading the book in which the most important of the late Professor Prichard's scattered writings on Sense-perception have been collected by Sir W. D. Ross. Like everything that Prichard wrote, these essays are extremely acute, transparently honest, and admirably thorough. I shall not attempt here either to (...)
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    Kung‐sun lung on the point of pointing: The moral rhetoric of names.Whalen Lai - 1997 - Asian Philosophy 7 (1):47-58.
    Graham compares Kung‐sun Lung's “White Horse not Horse” [Graham, A.C. (1990) Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Philosophical Literature (Albany, SUNY Press)] loith the use of a synecdoche in English, “Sword is not Blade”. The Blade as part stands in here for the whole which is the Sword. But just as Sword as ‘hilt plus blade’ is more than blade, then via analogia, White Horse as ‘white plus horse’ is more than the part that is just ‘horse’. Graham had taken over (...)
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  37. What kind of problem is the hermeneutic circle?C. Mantzavinos - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 299.
    The hermeneutic circle serves as a standard argument for all those who raise a claim to the autonomy of the human sciences. The proponents of an alternative methodology for the human sciences present the hermeneutic circle either as an ontological problem or as a specific methodological problem in the social sciences and the humanities. This paper checks the soundness of the argument by sketching out three variations of the problem and critically discussing them.
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    Принцип субсидіарності: Уроки соціального вчительства католицької церкви.Cергій Присухін - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:42-48.
    Анотація. У статті проаналізовані досягнення Соціального Вчительства Католицької Церкви, репрезентовані працями Лева ХІІІ, Пія ХІ, Пія ХІІ, Івана Павла ІІ, що розкривають змістовні характеристики поняття «принцип субсидіарності», його роль і значення в системі християнських цінностей. Принцип субсидіарності робить можливими такі взаємовідносини в соціальному житті, коли спільнота вищого порядку не втручається у внутрішнє життя спільноти нижчого порядку, перебираючи на себе належні тій функції; заради спільного добра, спільного блага вона надає їй у разі потреби підтримку й допомогу, узгоджуючи у такий спосіб її (...)
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  39. On a supposed conceptual inadequacy of the Shannon information in quantum mechanics.C. G. Timpson - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (3):441-468.
    Recently, Brukner and Zeilinger 3354) have claimed that the Shannon information is not well defined as a measure of information in quantum mechanics, adducing arguments that seek to show that it is inextricably tied to classical notions of measurement. It is shown here that these arguments do not succeed: the Shannon information does not have problematic ties to classical concepts. In a further argument, Brukner and Zeilinger compare the Shannon information unfavourably to their preferred information measure, I , with regard (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Truth by Convention: A Symposium by A. J. Ayer, C. H. Whiteley, M. Black.A. J. Ayer, C. H. Whiteley & M. Black - 1936 - Analysis 4 (2/3):17 - 32.
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    After the Holocaust: The Book of Job, Primo Levi, and the Path to Affliction.C. Fred Alford - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Holocaust marks a decisive moment in modern suffering in which it becomes almost impossible to find meaning or redemption in the experience. In this study, C. Fred Alford offers a new and thoughtful examination of the experience of suffering. Moving from the Book of Job, an account of meaningful suffering in a God-drenched world, to the work of Primo Levi, who attempted to find meaning in the Holocaust through absolute clarity of insight, he concludes that neither strategy works well (...)
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  42. The Phenomenal Woman (PA Sayre).C. Battersby - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:113-114.
  43. Le feu gregeois et les armes a feu des Byzantins.C. Zenghelis - 1932 - Byzantion 7:265-86.
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    Characterization of mechanical properties of polymers by nanoindentation tests.C. Y. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, K. Y. Zeng & L. Shen - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (28):4487-4506.
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    The high sex ratio in china: What do the chinese think?C. Zhou, X. L. Wang, W. J. Zheng, X. D. Zhou, L. Li & T. Hesketh - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (1):121-125.
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    Possible degrees in recursive copies II.C. J. Ash & J. F. Knight - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 87 (2):151-165.
    We extend results of Harizanov and Barker. For a relation R on a recursive structure /oA, we give conditions guaranteeing that the image of R in a recursive copy of /oA can be made to have arbitrary ∑α0 degree over Δα0. We give stronger conditions under which the image of R can be made ∑α0 degree as well. The degrees over Δα0 can be replaced by certain more general classes. We also generalize the Friedberg-Muchnik Theorem, giving conditions on a pair (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Propositions, opinions, sentences, and facts.C. J. Ducasse - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (26):701-711.
  48.  35
    The Roman Historians (review).Tatum W. Jeffrey - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):655-658.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.4 (2000) 655-658 [Access article in PDF] RONALD MELLOR. The Roman Historians. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. x + 212 pp. Paper, $21.99. This is a textbook, the purpose of which is to provide "an introduction to the masterpieces of Roman historical and biographical writing" (ix). Although the question of the usefulness of these writings to the modern historian is not overlooked, the principal (...)
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    A Gilson Reader; Selected Writings. Edited, With an Introd. by Anton C. Pegis.Etienne Gilson & Anton C. Pegis - 1962 - Image Books.
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    Cicero, Ad Atticum 4. 31.W. Watt - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):9-21.
    Before daybreak on 23 November 57 B.C., about 11 weeks after his return from exile, Cicero wrote to Atticus and recorded for him, in diary form, events at Rome between 3 November and the date of writing. Clodius and his gangs were still causing trouble on the streets, interfering with the rebuilding of Cicero's house on the Palatine , and even molesting Cicero himself . Clodius was a candidate for the curule aedileship; if he were elected, he would succeed in (...)
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